




100 Eli Espinoza

Eli Espinoza is the owner of 4 hectares of coffee in the village of Las Pirias, located in Chirinos, Peru, with some planted mainly with Typica, others with Caturra and Bourbon, and a small section dedicated to Gesha. Processing all his coffee at his home, which sits at 1800 masl, Eli’s farms range from 1800 to 2000 masl in altitude, contributing to the exceptional flavour profile of his coffee.

Eli’s journey began as a teenager when he moved to the area in search of work, starting out by picking coffee in the village. Over time, he was able to purchase his own land and house, eventually establishing his own coffee production.

Chirinos, a district in the province of San Ignacio, is renowned for its high-quality coffee and ideal growing conditions, with altitudes above 1700 masl and a tradition of pure Arabica varieties. Though much of the coffee landscape is still dominated by middlemen and Fair Trade certifications, there is a growing interest in specialty coffee, with local cooperatives promoting quality. However, many independent producers like Eli still face challenges, with limited access to markets and few resources to invest in improving their farms.

Despite these challenges, there is immense potential for quality improvement in Chirinos. Small changes and investments could help local producers move beyond low market prices, securing better returns and establishing a direct link to specialty coffee buyers who offer higher prices and quality incentives.

By choosing Eli’s coffee, you are not only enjoying a premium, well-crafted brew, but you’re also supporting a movement that values quality, sustainability, and fair direct trade practices. Your purchase helps provide these farmers with the tools, support, and access to markets they need to thrive, ensuring that their future and their craft continue to grow.




Bourbon and Caturra

Acidity Level


1850 M.A.S.L.

Processing Method


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